Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Budapest Boy in Prison

We are remembering the 1956 revolution with the photo which was presented by Professor István Bartha just a few days ago. The photo shows Nándor Wagner's paper fresco titled "Budapest Boy in Prison" which was taken in 1957. Nándor after arriving to Sweden made a series of his impressions about the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and the cruel squelch after it. His works were exhibited several times. This paperfresco is signed and contains a secret message "Dec.7. 1956. - Feb.4. 1957. I shall die abounded and orphaned today". We knew about his works remembering 1956 Hungarian Revolution, but this is the first time to get to see one. If you had a photo or the actual piece would you let us know it please.


Sunday, 7 October 2012

Unveiling the statue Mother Earth

The ceremony was greeted by H.E. Tetsuo Ito Ambassador of Japan. He emphasized that the statue to be unveiled will be an attraction of the Buda Castle. After the great moment Zsuzsa Vámosi-Nagy played Telemann D-major flute fantasy. Dr. Gábor Tamás Nagy mayor of I. district in his speech pointed to the hidden message of Mother Earth, talked about Gaia and sculptor Nándor Wagner. Mr. Koji Akiyama President of Wagner Nandor Foundation in Japan thanked the place and highly appreciated the excellent carving of stone sculptor István Darányi . He also expressed his special thanks to Reneszánsz Zrt., Aspectus Architect Zrt. and Market Építő Zrt. for supporting and managing the project. The master of the ceremony was Sándor Kiss our President. (Photo: László Gergely)


More facts and photo galery